Sunday, October 3, 2010

Best Social Networking Websites

Social networking only continues to grow and grow in popularity. From talking to current friends to talking to teachers and childhood acquaintances social networking can be very useful. Jobs have even researched potential clients via social networking sites to determine if they were of proper caliber to work at their company. So in this day where social networking is a phenomenon, which website should you use? This article will list a few of the most popular social networking sites and why they’re so popular.


By far the most popular social networking site currently, Facebook is currently holding onto a user base of millions of people. Why are people so interested in Facebook though? Facebook allows users to become connected with their friends, family, school and community by joining groups, posting messages and adding friends to their personal account. You’re able to add your picture when you make an account and add details about who you’re as a person. This is an ideal way to keep up with old friends and even to meet new friends over a website. Facebook has even created an app for the ever popular iPhone, which has been downloaded and is currently being used by over 1.5 million people.


TwitterMySpace is the second most popular social networking site after Facebook according to the rankings. Like Facebook, MySpace offers its users with the ability to locate friends, family and schools and join up in groups and have discussions. MySpace offers more customization when it comes to its personal profiles because it allows you to custom its CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) which allow you to embed music, videos and even change the color of your profile. This customization has received both praise and criticism by users. Despite these features, MySpace lags behind Facebook in terms of total users.


The newest competitor to enter the social networking arena, twitter is a much different experience than Facebook and MySpace. Instead of having long discussions and near message boards like on Facebook, Twitter offers its users the ability to create short messages that can be read by anyone. This has led to many celebrities and notable people leaving messages of their daily happenings by sending a Twitter update through their phone. These constant updates, combined with the fact that you can follow an individual, make for a powerful social network.

Social networking is clearly the way of the future in terms of online communication. It’s free, it works, and most important it’s fun. So what’s stopping you from starting your free account and networking with your friends?


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